

I am now 19 and being at the last stage of teenage,i have now realise that the teenage is not less than a fantasy world. Here the kids are attracted by all the glitters they see in there way.

Right from the starting of my teenage, I have seen many changes in me. I have always been very stubborn and very impatient kinda girl and during my teenage my emotions were at the peak. Now i understood how much i used to over-react which didn’t make any sense ever.

I too have Commited many mistakes and have seen many unrealistic and have gone through many unexpected times:p But the most important thing is that i have learnt many things from my teenage experience.

Friendship, love, relationships, jealousy, breakups, hangouts, boozing, social sites, mood swings and blah blah blah! But you must remember that everything is good within a limit. And to remind us our limits, our parents are always there:p Teenagers often get angry on being scolded by their parents but always remember that they have seen much of the world than you and so they are your parents.

Love affairs, crushes and all are the most discussed topics among the teenagers. I see teens talking about love, romance, and I see teens taking love n relationships so seriously at their age when they are still in the growing process and when they dont even completely know what love is all about but who have control over their hormones.

Talking about smoke, drinks, n drugs; I am not saying that these things for teenagers are bad but these are inappropriate for their age. I have seen people drowning in the hangover and slowly destroying their futures.

Infact I say that we should do everything in life so that no one can ever say that you have not done this or you have not tried this yet but for that there is a right age. I know that we teenagers don’t wanna be called kids but this is the age where we all are still growing up.

Teenage is major turning point of our lives where its important to have a control over the accelerator and it can prove to be the most memorable period of our lives. So, make it as amazing as you can because this period is not gonna come back!

~Anushansa Sahu

45 thoughts on “Teenage!

  1. I can relate to most of your experience on being a teenager, especially the over-reacting part!! Loved this post! Mind checking out some of my posts as well and telling me any of your opinions. ❤ New subscriber

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I enjoyed reading this. As the mom of teens, I am fascinated by teenagers and unlike most old farts, I have a lot of admiration and hope for teenagers in general. Every generation is different and we must all embrace how it is different and accept change.

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